Weather & Climate Graphics
Scripting and Coding
Does your business or webpage require weather and climate graphics? Do you need geographical subsets or site specific weather data? Streamline Weather Consulting, LLC can provide you the code to create your own custom graphics based on weather model output, radar/satellite, climate data, or any other weather based dataset.
Let us alleviate the stress that comes from building and testing complicated computer code. From data downloading and processing, to turning raw data into eye-catching graphics, we've got you covered.
Any kind of weather data. Any type of graphic. Let Streamline Weather Consulting, LLC make your business needs a reality.
Python based scripting infrastructure
Processing from Grib2, NETCDF, Shapefile, KML data formats.
NOAA / NOMADS or AWS based data downloads.
Graphic creation scripts from:​
NOAA/NWS Weather Model Data Suite
International Weather Model Data Suites (GDPS, ICON, etc)
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) / MPAS
NOAA/NWS Radar / Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS)
GOES-R Series Satellite
Current Weather Conditions
Custom datasets