Streamline Weather Consulting LLC
Exclusive Services

Forensic Meteorology
Forensic meteorology is the analysis and investigation of past weather events or weather related incidents in order to establish a clear, accurate, and objective narrative of what actually occurred at a particular place and time. The forensic meteorologist is an expert at both gathering and analyzing the proper datasets for the specific event or incident and drafting a clear and concise report on their findings.
With access to the latest technology and certified datasets, our expert team of meteorologists will provide, and clearly communicate the site-specific information you require for your business or legal needs.
Type of events may include, but are not limited to:
Hurricanes / Tropical Cyclones / Storm Surge
Severe Weather - Wind / Hail / Lightning / Tornado
Expert Radar Analysis (Doppler / Dual Polarization Data)
Flash Flooding / River Flooding
Winter Weather - Snow/Ice - Car Accidents - Slip & Fall
Marine / Boating
Fire Weather - Forest Fires / Prescribed Burns

Expert Witness / Litigation
The need for weather-related expert testimony in the courtroom has never been greater. In order to build a strong case, the skillsets obtained by hiring a certified consulting meteorologist will provide the credibility needed for success in litigation and in the courtroom.
Weather related cases present unique situations and often subtle evidence to establish validity. A certified consulting meteorologist has the skills to find and analyze the proper datasets, prepare objective reports on their findings, evaluate reports produced by others, and allow them to deliver confident testimony (if required) surrounding the facts of the particular case.
With years of experience and access to the latest technology and certified datasets, our expert team of meteorologists will provide, and clearly communicate the site-specific information you require for a successful legal outcome.

Event Decision Support Services
Hazardous weather presents a great challenge to those planning and managing an outdoor event, may it be sporting, parade, entertainment, aviation, festival, or other gathering.
The services of a certified consulting meteorologist can help alleviate the stress the weather can add to your important event. The consulting meteorologists at Streamline Weather LLC can assist in providing the following supportive information:
Advanced (weeks to months) planning for optimal weather conditions based on location specific climatology.​​​​​​​
Short range (1 - 7 days) planning for event weather conditions.
Multi-Day advanced forecasts for site specific conditions​
Hazardous Weather Potential and Risks
Tailored Forecast Graphics & Figures​
Daily Emails or Weather Briefings (Live or Recorded)
"Day-Of" Event Weather Support Services
On-site or remote support available​.
Advanced warning of impeding weather in order to assure all have ample time to seek safety and shelter.
"All Clear" notifications for passage of dangerous conditions.

Seminars / Interviews / Social Media
At Streamline Weather Consulting, we enjoy sharing our passion and knowledge of weather with others. We will tailor our subject matter / presentations to uniquely match your group's, age, knowledge base, and interests. In person or online (Zoom / Google Meet / Teams) availability.
Our presentations can range from a fun introduction to weather and meteorology, all the way up to discussions involving advanced radar/satellite analysis, weather model tutorials, and everything in-between.
Our only hope will be that your group enjoys listening and learning as much as we enjoy presenting.
All ages and weather knowledge bases:​
School Talks​
Professional/Private Business Organizations
Educational Organizations/Institutions
Media and Social Media Discussions / Interviews

Climate Services
Local and regional climate details influence business and civic decisions constantly. Whether your business is investing in infrastructure projects of the future, studying water usage and sustainability, or making long term agricultural land-use decisions, knowledge of the climate and potential variability over time will only increase the probability of success in whatever your endeavors.
Analyze, Interpret, and Report on Long-Term Climate Statistics​
Site Specific or Regional Return Interval for Threshold Events
Risk Management - New and Evolving Climate Threats
Probability of Occurrence Reports

Preparedness /
Weather Simulations
Is your business, school, or city ready for the next severe weather threat? Being "ready" means not only awareness of impending hazardous weather, but also having a plan of action and associated triggers for the plan in advance of the weather's arrival. These plans, once established, should be a part of your comprehensive training and periodically practiced to ensure all are aware of and understand their roles in the event of a weather emergency. Here at Streamline Weather LLC, we can assist in the development of severe weather plans, and help you practice their application with a realistic weather event simulation. Our team can produce and deliver the following
All relevant forecast, watch, warning products leading up to and during simulated event.
Weather graphics and maps.
Radar imagery co-located with your location.
Weather model products co-located with your location.
Creation of social media posts for simulated distribution.
and much more...

Weather & Climate Graphics
Scripting and Coding
Does your business or webpage require weather and climate graphics? Do you need geographical subsets or site specific weather data? Streamline Weather Consulting, LLC can provide you the code to create your own custom graphics based on weather model output, radar/satellite, climate data, or any other weather based dataset.
Let us alleviate the stress that comes from building and testing complicated computer code. From data downloading and processing, to turning raw data into eye-catching graphics, we've got you covered.
Any kind of weather data. Any type of graphic. Let Streamline Weather Consulting, LLC make your business needs a reality.
Python based scripting infrastructure
Processing from Grib2, NETCDF, Shapefile, KML data formats.
NOAA / NOMADS or AWS based data downloads.
Graphic creation scripts from:​
NOAA/NWS Weather Model Data Suite
International Weather Model Data Suites (GDPS, ICON, etc)
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) / MPAS
NOAA/NWS Radar / Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS)
GOES-R Series Satellite
Current Weather Conditions
Custom datasets